Rock Phosphate for Direct Application in 50 kg. bags

Rock Phosphate for Direct Application in 50 kg. bags

No. 38 Mohamed Kotb st. New Maadi – 开罗 – 埃及+201116669265Facebook
食品 > 种子,牛饲料,食品配料,肥料, 除草剂, 农业机械 ..应用
1176 Crossings是一切
内罗毕 (肯尼亚) - 澳門 (澳门)内罗毕 (肯尼亚) - 奥斯陆 (挪威)
内罗毕 (肯尼亚) - 卡拉奇 (巴基斯坦)内罗毕 (肯尼亚) - 斯科普里 (马其顿)
内罗毕 (肯尼亚) - 马累 (马尔代夫)内罗毕 (肯尼亚) - 台北 (中华台北)
内罗毕 (肯尼亚) - 北京市 (中国, 渤海湾)内罗毕 (肯尼亚) - 雅加达 (印度尼西亚)
内罗毕 (肯尼亚) - 帝力 (东帝汶)内罗毕 (肯尼亚) - 安卡拉 (土耳其)
内罗毕 (肯尼亚) - 东京 (日本的)内罗毕 (肯尼亚) - 吉隆坡 (马来西亚)
内罗毕 (肯尼亚) - 曼谷 (泰国)内罗毕 (肯尼亚) - 雷克雅未克 (冰岛)
内罗毕 (肯尼亚) - 廷布 (不丹)内罗毕 (肯尼亚) - 首尔 (韩国)
内罗毕 (肯尼亚) - 贝尔格莱德 (塞尔维亚)内罗毕 (肯尼亚) - 圣马力诺 (圣马力诺)
内罗毕 (肯尼亚) - 拉萨 (西藏)内罗毕 (肯尼亚) - 瓦杜兹 (列支敦士登)
内罗毕 (肯尼亚) - 马尼拉 (菲律宾)内罗毕 (肯尼亚) - 内比都 (缅甸)
内罗毕 (肯尼亚) - 伯尔尼 (瑞士)内罗毕 (肯尼亚) - 香港 (香港)
内罗毕 (肯尼亚) - 东莞 (中国,广东)内罗毕 (肯尼亚) - 昆明 (华南)
内罗毕 (肯尼亚) - 金边 (柬埔寨)内罗毕 (肯尼亚) - 萨拉热窝 (波斯尼亚)
内罗毕 (肯尼亚) - 新加坡城市 (新加坡)内罗毕 (肯尼亚) - 河内 (越南)
内罗毕 (肯尼亚) - 科伦坡 (斯里兰卡)内罗毕 (肯尼亚) - 斯里巴加湾市 (文莱)
内罗毕 (肯尼亚) - 新德里 (印)内罗毕 (肯尼亚) - 达卡 (孟加拉国)
内罗毕 (肯尼亚) - 平壤 (北朝鲜)内罗毕 (肯尼亚) - 加德满都 (尼泊尔)
内罗毕 (肯尼亚) - 万象 (老挝)内罗毕 (肯尼亚) - 耶路撒冷 (以色列)
内罗毕 (肯尼亚) - 摩纳哥 (摩纳哥)内罗毕 (肯尼亚) - 乌兰巴托 (蒙古)
内罗毕 (肯尼亚) - 上海 (中国, 上海关闭)内罗毕 (肯尼亚) - 普里什蒂纳 (科索沃)
内罗毕 (肯尼亚) - 波德戈里察 (黑山)内罗毕 (肯尼亚) - 武汉 (中国, 其它地区)

EL Waha Mining & Fertilizers is an Egyptian Joint Stock company incorporated as a natural extension for the limited liability company EL Waha for Trade established in 2005.
EL Waha Mining & Fertilizers' core business is the exportation of Rock Phosphate and Minerals to Asia primarily from EL Nasr Mines and others. Vertically integrating our business portfolio the company has extended trading in Fertilizers to complement with minerals.

The natural progression of our business since the inception has led to the consolidation of EL Waha's position as MINERALS & FERTILIZERS PARTNER OF CHOICE in Egypt, with its firm management, operation and financial capabilities and undisputed leading position as one of the key minerals and fertilizers exporters in Egypt due to our supply chain and product range that cater to customer specifications and providing the perfect platform to extend the coverage to include logistics, quarry facilities, warehouses, transportation and Mediterranean and Red Sea port access.

Today, EL Waha Mining & Fertilizers is distinctively positioned as one of the major trading firms that covers several regional and international markets with a brand equity that translates integrity and quality of service, such an unrivaled platform paves the way to becoming the leading regional player in minerals and fertilizer over the coming years.

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Rock Phosphate for Direct Application in 50 kg. bags